2025.március.10. hétfő.
unholy alliance to cover up Covid19

unholy alliance to cover up Covid19

Well, I used this source for this reflection paper. This is a documentary that aired one month ago. Then I watched this, and I am very liked it. But one month later this documentary disappeared from every place, YouTube the publisher website, etc. So it was hard to find again. Maybe that is not a coincidence. The Chinese government’s first response was the full cover-up. Those who identify this virus and made it public for western professors can’t give an interview even today.

The government started strict censorship in Baidu and WeChat. You can’t search or send specific keywords. The Local Wuhan authorities also blocked every news about Covid-19. We don’t know to this was an order from the top or local action or a total system failure. In 2019 December there were 2,300-4000 infected in January 6000-10000 infected only in Wuhan. In the national holidays, 15 million people were expected to migrate to the other parts of China and to Thailand. In this period the authorities kept saying there is no human to human transmission. In the Thailand
airport, the temperature checkers find a woman who was not connected to the Wuhan market. So it was the first sign of Human human transmission.
The WHO never condemn China because of the blocked information or the lie about the transmission. In fact, only the 11 January Dr. Edward Holmes released the sequence from Sydney.

Just after 6 hours delay, Chine released the sequence because of the pressure. Of course, the CCP manipulated the numbers, only counted those who have links to the market. The reality was the only ⅔ was connected to the Wuhan market. It took 45 days for the first government action against COVID-19.

But they are not revealed the Human to human transmission to the public. The WHO made the first press conference about the outbreak on January 14. But they kept saying what is the Chinese mainstream propaganda. There is no evidence of H2H transmission. Only Maria D Van Kerkhovan a new expert told me there is a possibility for that. That was the time when the first western media sites (Reuters) started to write about the H2H transmission. But when a reporter emails the official WHO headquarters they replied, “there is no evidence of limited H2H transmission”.
Despite the evidence, the WHO experts were not on the ground. You can see the original article: WHO says new China coronavirus could spread, warns hospitals worldwide.

January 18 was the time when outbreaks started in other parts of China (Beijing), but the official infected number was 49. And they don’t order a lock-down. And the spring festival migrations started unopposed. In Wuhan, life remained in the normal way.

On January 20 the Chinese state media finally aired the news: There is an H2H transmission, the official infected number was 198 but in real-time, there were expectedly 20,000 infected in this time. On the 54th day of the outbreak, January 23 was the time when Wuhan announced a full lockdown. But! They said this is not as transmissive as SARS. That was a lie for sure. The Wuhan Center Hospital is overwhelmed. In the documentary, a Chinese citizen speaks about his feelings. He lost his father because they believed in the state media. Now he feels anger about all
this. The doctor who first started to ring the bells lost his life to COVID-19. (Or not, we won’t find out.)

The most interesting thing was about this film is the joint cover-ups and delays of the WHO and the Chinese CCP. That’s more than alarming that the source of this film
was deleted almost everywhere. An interesting aspect of this story is the WHO and Trump relationship. Because Trump many times treat COVID-19 like a joke. 13 times Trump said the coronavirus would go away.

And on February Trump was a very sating field with President Xi handling the virus. But after that, the Virus devastated the US and Trump changed

He has begun to call the China plague and changed the way who handled the WHO organization. Donald Trump blames WHO for the dire coronavirus situation in the US, threatens to pull funding.
And called the organization a Chinese puppet. I don’t say Trump is some kind of visionary man because his biggest mistake was the handling of this pandemic. But after I wrote all of this I think to some extent Trump started to attack the WHO because of this. In my opinion totally fairly. I don’t know if the WHO is a Chinese puppet, or somebody else but the WHO and China covered each other in January 2020.

In the case of China, they don’t learn from their mistakes. In August, they organized a huge pool party to celebrate the victory over Covid-19. And they sometimes officially reported 0 cases. Later they must get back some lockdown order because of this party. But first, they defended it on state TV. China defends Wuhan’s massive pool party.

What we can learn all of this?

Well, we always must question what the authorities said. No matter that the source is an eastern or western entity. We should not be a horde that follows everything that they said on the top. Unfortunately, most of the people could jump out the window if they heard it on the news. But in the west, we still have some kind of power against this. China is a totally other case but censorship can be part of our life if we let it.

The video fact’s in the attachment:  (all link is original DailyMotion)

1. China’s COVID Secrets FRONTLINE Part 1 
The untold story of the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic and how China responded.
Chinese scientists and doctors, international disease experts, and health officials reveal missed opportunities to suppress the outbreak and lessons for the world in “China’s COVID Secrets.” Directed by Jane McMullen, this 90-minute documentary reveals the gulf between what China knew and what it told the world. A co-production with the BBC.

video link: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x7z8waj

2. China’s COVID Secrets FRONTLINE Part 2
The untold story of the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic and how China responded.
Chinese scientists and doctors, international disease experts and health officials reveal missed opportunities to suppress the outbreak and lessons for the world in “China’s COVID Secrets.” Directed by Jane McMullen, this 90-minute documentary reveals the gulf between what China knew and what it told the world. A coproduction with the BBC.

video link: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x7z8wak

3. China’s COVID Secrets FRONTLINE Part 3 
The untold story of the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic and how China responded.
Chinese scientists and doctors, international disease experts and health officials reveal missed opportunities to suppress the outbreak and lessons for the world in “China’s COVID Secrets.” Directed by Jane McMullen, this 90-minute documentary reveals the gulf between what China knew and what it told the world. A coproduction with the BBC.

video link: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x7z8fhh

4. China’s COVID Secrets FRONTLINE Part 4 
The untold story of the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic and how China responded.
Chinese scientists and doctors, international disease experts and health officials reveal missed opportunities to suppress the outbreak and lessons for the world in “China’s COVID Secrets.” Directed by Jane McMullen, this 90-minute documentary reveals the gulf between what China knew and what it told the world. A coproduction with the BBC.

video link: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x7z8fhi

Author by Marton Nemeth 21.03.2021.